Programme of Events 2024-2025

Monthly meetings and demonstrations are held on Wednesdays at:

The Hauxton Centre, Church Road, Hauxton, CB22 5HS, 7:15pm to 9:30pm

Demonstrations, free to members, are held at the Hauxton Centre.

April 10th Sue Williams Animals in watercolour.’

May 8th Ron Fisher Graphite drawing with tips and tricks for success

June 12th Naomi Tomkys People watching
Naomi's Website

July 10th Sebastian Aplin Still life in oill
Sebastian's Website

Aug 23rd - 26th Summer Exhibition at Grantchester Village Hall, August Bank Holiday weekend

Sept 11th Paul Barryman Portraitl
Paul's Website

Oct 9th Dj Land and sky,
Nov 13th Graham Short Illustrated talk on micro art

Dec 11th Christmas Social evening

Jan 8th Kate Macleod Watercolour and pastels
Feb 12th Bill Newton Watercolour land and sea scape

Mar 12th AGM

April 9th Steve Woodhams Abstraction


Saturday workshops at Harston Village Hall,10am to 4pm
20 High Street, CB22 7PX

Workshops must be booked in advance..

April 13th Clive Riggs Saturday workshop at HARSTON VILLAGE HALL. Drawing animals in pencil
June 8th Vicky Hallam Saturday workshop at HARSTON VILLAGE HALL: Summer flowers in coloured pencil
Sept 14th Sharon Hurst Saturday workshop at HARSTON VILLAGE HALL: Watercolour skin tones and the art of glazing
Oct 12th John Wiltshire Saturday workshop at HARSTON VILLAGE HALL: Oil portrait from life, with a restricted Zorn palette